Hi there!
One of my goals for 2022 was to delve more into my love of colours and design, and I'm pleased you have joined me here :)

Mexican Poncho
This was the design for my Mexican Poncho for the catwalks of the 2016 All Women's Achievers Awards Ceremony in Birmingham...and I won the Fashion Designer Award!! Of which I'm very proud!
As you can see, I love mixing colours to make a statement!
Colour truly plays a vital role in the world in which we exist. It can have an impact on our thinking, can change our actions, and it can cause reactions. It can have physiological effects; irritate or soothe the eye, raise blood pressure, and even suppress appetite!
In the world of fashion and design, colours play a big part in influencing our choice of purchases. Each season brings out a new colour range on the catwalks and ‘street style’ follows suit. We are aware of what is the latest fashionable colour to wear, whether we chose to wear it or not.
As knitters, we can choose our own favourite colours to knit with. We are not necessarily guided by the current trends. As you can see above, for my knitting patterns I have tended to stick with block colours so that the shape and the stitch become the more important factor of the design.
My intention continues this year to play with colour, mix it up, see what special designs I can create through colour, and I hope I can give you lots of ideas and inspiration on this colourful journey.
As always, your feedback is always welcome :)
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